How do you learn languages on your own without books? Is it possible?

I don’t have any books and can’t spend any money. I have Duolingo and try to find websites and stuff that teach me vocabulary. I’m learning French btw. I have like a 2% grasp of it. I understand some basic words and phrases when written out, sometimes spoken but never really an unplanned sentence or anything like that. I can put basic sentences together. Like “ what’s the time” would be « Qu’elle heure est il » i think? But basic sentences like that. But nothing more. Is there any websites that teach you to expand your vocabulary to daily use levels for free? I know it’s a stretch but I thought I’d try. I know I won’t learn fast and that’s fine, I just want to expand my vocabulary in French.

submitted by /u/imlooking4agirl
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from Tikilluaritsi | Languagelearning
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