Have you ever enjoyed the content too much so it made the immersion difficult?

Today I decided to check out my favorite musical in my target languages and it was unexpectedly harder than I imagined. I know all the songs by heart in my native language (German) and thought it would be helpful. I was so wrong... It was basically a fight with myself. While I was trying to focus on the words in my target language, my love and excitement for the songs were too much and I could just hear the German lyrics in my head.

So you often hear to immerse yourself in the target language and to enjoy the activities. Liking something too much might not be helpful.

Please share your experiences. I was quite amused by myself and will try to keep my excitement down the next time.

On a bit unrelated side note: Can you pay attention to the lyrics of a song without any effort? When I first heard English songs on the radio while growing up I didn't know any English so it was always just music for me. This influenced me in a way that now I actively need to pay attention to the lyrics while listening to songs in English even though I'm now fluent. Songs in my native language were comprehensible from the start so it's naturally for me to acknowledge the lyrics.

submitted by /u/pigliah
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