Fastest way to improve?

What’s the fastest way to improve? I might go to Japan next June with a few friends (if everything’s cleared up enough with corona), and I’ve been studying Japanese off and on for a few years but I am likely going to be our primary translator. I worked through the Genki 1 textbook 3 years ago and I self studied Genki 2 off and on, but I have gotten through the whole thing. Anyways, I want to improve as much as possible between now and next spring. I’ll be taking an intermediate japanese college class this year to cover Genki 2 (mostly so I get credits for my work), but I recently found out that the class doesn’t include vocal practice. That is offered as a separate course which is already filled up and I probably wouldn’t be able to take anyways because of timing issues. I’m a high school senior and don’t have a ton of time because of 5 AP/College Classes, but I always make time for Japanese.

I’ve been watching Matt vs Japan on YouTube for a while, but I just decided to implement some Mass Immersion Approach study methods into my daily life (mostly just passive listening and understanding anime with japanese subs only by looking words up, haven’t tried making sentence cards yet). Has anyone found that making sentence cards is worth it, or would I be better off learning vocabulary in isolation, which sounds like it would take less time.

I have also been thinking about my speaking ability. It isn’t great. I haven’t really had any conversation practice besides textbook exercises that we did in the college class I took 3 years ago. I will often try to say whatever I’m thinking out loud to myself in Japanese, but I know this isn’t the same as conversation and skills needed to get around Japan. How should I go about improving this aspect of my Japanese? Paying for an online tutor isn’t an option, sorry, but if you have any other solutions let me know.

This last summer I learned 400 new kanji (meanings, readings, and how to write them), bring my total amount of known kanji to around 600. Originally my goal was to get to 1000 by next spring, but I think I’m going to try for 1500. My current plan is to learn 3 every weekday and 10 between Saturday and Sunday. I think this will be do-able with the rest of my workload, and it will get me to just under 1500 (but I’ll get to at least 1500 by doing extra or something though).

Lastly, I realize that I should continue to expand my vocabulary. I feel that learning kanji readings with the meaning has really helped me recognize more words when I read them or hear them, but I’m not sure if I would remember that I know those words when I’m figuring out how to phrase my ideas. How should I learn more vocab? Grab a premade Anki deck? Make my own flash cards from a frequency list? Make sentence cards from Anime I watch? What do you think?

That’s it! Thanks for reading and any advice, I want to improve and I really appreciate any help :)

submitted by /u/Wo1f-Lord25
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