Can we talk accents?

Accents are nothing to be ashamed of, but sometimes I feel like the language learning community is too critical of people who want to really improve their accent, oftentimes discouraging them. People have to understand that people have different goals in regards to language learning. I feel like every time someone talks about wanting to have a native or near native accent hordes of people come saying they don’t need to change their accent and that they’re understandable oftentimes completely missing the point that the person is trying to make. Sometimes people want an extra challenge, and so what if it’s going to take them a couple years of hard work. Other times they hate feeling foreign and want to assimilate into their target culture. There’s even a group of people who feel accomplished or proud when people don’t notice they’re not native speakers. In any case, aiming for a native accent is just as valid as being ok with your foreign accent. I think we should stop discouraging people from doing things just because they’re hard and not a lot of people succeed.

submitted by /u/sjfjidfjjdjdjsjs
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from Tikilluaritsi | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
