Best Language Learning Software for Someone With Autism?

The title is pretty self-explanatory, but I have autism and I really, really struggle with language learning. Like, I've taken over four years of Spanish in both high school and college, and I've taken six months of private tutoring, and I still can't form even the most basic of sentences. It's not for lack of trying, it's just not something that comes easily to me AT ALL.

I'm generally pretty good at pronouncing stuff, and I have a good ear for how words should be said. My struggles mainly revolve around vocabulary retention and sentence structure. I live in a predominantly Hispanic city, and Spanish would be incredibly useful in my everyday life. I've been trying to speak it since I was a kid, but I have a lot of difficulty practicing with native speakers because of my neurodivergence. It makes practicing really difficult. I'd also like to learn Irish at some point, which seems to be a hard language to find.

Which software would be best for me to use to get started? I've heard Pimsleur works well for autistic people, but I really don't want to shell out money for Pimsleur if it's not gonna work. I've also heard Rosetta Stone, but I know a lot of people hate that program (to be fair, I've only head neurotypical people saying they hate it, which is the only reason I'm mentioning it).

Any autistic polyglots who can give me some recommendations?

submitted by /u/ehsholly
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from Tikilluaritsi | Languagelearning
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