The most Important languages to learn right now for business:

You could spend years learning a language like German, and I'm not knocking on German, I speak some German, I have German ancestry, BUT, business wise it has no practicality. 99% of Germans know English, You'd be wasting your time. It is simply not a language that somebody would need to hire you to translate for and competition is fierce if you try and apply for a translator job in that market.

There are more viable markets then the Western European languages (e.g French) and I'm here to explain that to those looking to make a profit off being Bilingual, you may not like these choices but they're the most requested markets in translation:

Russian- a LOT of wealthy Russian oligarchies (and I mean wealthier then Jeff Bezos) do not speak English. (Did you know Putin doesn"t know English?) They are always looking to do trade deals with US businessmen, but due to not many Americans knowing Russian, it's a largely untapped market. Russian is a fairly easy language to learn believe it or not. It just takes a long time to become fluent and it's disencouraged due to the current political climate.

Mandarian- China produces half the worlds stuff and is an essential part of the US trade department. However Chinese businessmen refuse to learn English due to their nationalistic approach and it being a hard language to learn in general, so as a result translators are often needed to get the best deals from them, proof-read contracts and handle negotiations. But Mandarian is not that easy to learn, Hence why they're in limited supply, be warned, even phonetically it's difficult.

Arabic- the military ALWAYS needs people who speak Arabic. If you're going into the military as a translator, expect to be learning Arabic. Also wealthy Saudi barons and such don't speak English, and like Russian Oligarchs, it's a very strong market, arabic is very hard to learn, so good luck bud.

Japanese- You'll laugh but Anime and Manga sites are always looking for translators to create subs and translate manga as well as people to proof check their translating. Despite being an extremely popular medium, not a lot of people can speak perfectly fluent Japanese, more often then not, those who learn Japanese know the words phonetically but can't read the characters, (i.e they're illiterate). Hence why there is always a demand for people who can READ Japanese. The language is fairly easy to pick up phonetically, but you'll likely struggle with the characters. Also English teachers are always needed in Japan as well, so you can live out your anime fantasy, hooray!

Spanish (in the US) - this one has no practically outside of the US however due to the large influx of Mexican migrants who speak little to no English, you should learn it so you can assist them in learning English or just generally help them when needed.

The days of French, German, Italian etc being viable business opportunity languages are long gone, if you absolutely want to make a dent in the translation market, those are the most important languages to learn as of right now.

Of course you can learn any language you desire, maybe you have an French friend who knows no English? Then learn French. But business wise, those are the languages you want. A chinese translator is in way more demand then a French one. That's just how it is.

submitted by /u/NEETmemebro
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