Starting to lose my trust in SRS but how else can I "practice" the more difficult and less common vocabulary and Kanji?

My issue with SRS recently is that either the interval is way too long and I forget the word before the next review or it's way too short that I end up reviewing unnecessarily and sometimes I feel like I'm reviewing words I don't need to review yet.

I get that a lot of listening, reading, writing, and speaking helps reinforce my memory but what if the words I need to remember just don't show up in my daily exposure? Using Memrise's analogy of watering plants, what I feel like ends up happening with my exposure is that the words that don't need watering get a lot of rain but the words that need water don't get water at all. I'm a musician and if I wanna properly master a piece, I have to play it a lot of times over and over. Unfortunately, this would be akin to rote repetition if I apply that to learning hard words and I don't think it's a good idea to be repeating the same hundreds of words every day.

submitted by /u/InsomniaEmperor
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