Mnemonics to learn an alphabet-based language? Tagalog, French, Japanese, etc.

I am a huge fan of mnemonics as I was able to learn (and actually retain lol) 1500 Chinese characters and their tones and pinyin using mnemonics in 10 months, (thanks to the Mandarin Blueprint method, anyone who's interested in learning Chinese should check them out). So I know the power mnemonics have, but I'm wondering whether anyone's found a way to memorize words and their meanings using Memory Palaces? I'm a bit hesitant on using the whole "this words sounds like this word in English" and make up some weak story that I'll probably forget (this method is alright, just not as powerful as memory palaces with hard rules. I.e assigning letters to people or objects etc.)) Does anyone have any method that roughly resembles this? Or even if you have your own method that's been massively successful for you? (ideally a method that's efficient, I want rote-learning to be a last resort lol)

submitted by /u/Porsher12345
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