Losing interest in target language and it's making me so sad.

i'm not as interested in German (well i guess it depends on my mood) anymore and it's making me so sad. I initially started because it sounded very beautiful to me and eventually I decided that I wanted to live in Germany because I hate living in my home country and I don't wanna be here for my entire life. I still want to be fluent but my interest levels have flopped. Now don't get me wrong, I still have an interest in German but a lot of days the charm falls off, I'm not as amazed by its beauty as I was 2 years ago. I have found interest in another language (russian because, you guessed it, i think it sounds really beautiful) but I don't wanna drop German because it's been apart of my life for over 2 years and it's like leaving a big part of myself, almost like an identity. I also have somewhat of a connection towards German culture and its speakers. So what do you think would be ideal for me? My goal is to become fluent and it will be the same goal for Russian. Should i stick with one language or juggle two languages at once? I heard that the latter way is not very ideal.

submitted by /u/the_bridgekeeper19
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