Learning a language by learning song lyrics

Hi all,

Just thought I'd share what I'm currently doing to help me learn a language. I was getting bored at grinding through duolingo, anki, memrise etc. but wanted to keep getting some exposure to my TL. So I found some music that I liked in that language and listened to it and wrote down all the lyrics (on Microsoft Word). I'd then go back and correct my mistakes, and repeated this a dozen or more times until I could get all of the lyrics correctly. Afterwards, I tried my best to translate the lyrics, looked up the correct answer, corrected them, and repeated this whole process.

At the end, I'd memorised all of the lyrics and English translation of the song. I have effectively committed a decent amount of new vocab and idioms to memory, and it's also a listening exercise. I'm also singing the song as I do this exercise so consider that a "speaking" exericse too :P

Not trying to claim that this is an optimal way to learn a language or anything, but I've found it a fun way to learn and an alternative to some of the more common methods. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Besthealer
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