Is this method ok for learning or am i wasting my time? feels like im learning but maybe im fooling myself

Im watching stand-up comedy in the language i want to learn. I understand maybe 50 to 70% of all the words, i'd say, for a given bit. Every word i dont understand i look up and write down. Then, after a while, i watch the bit again. For example, im now on my third watch of a certain bit and i understand everything.

The problem is, in a vaccum i dont remember the words, i kinda memorized the bit... so really i dont know if i have actually ingrained the words in my brain or ingrained the bit in my native language and then i remember the words. I know the wiki says its better to learn in context... but maybe this is counter productive?

My biggest problem wth this is that now i understand the stand up bit entirely but im pretty sure if i go tomorrow to my list of words and scramble them and try to remember the meaning i probably wont get all of them, so im not sure im really learning them.

submitted by /u/lambofdog444
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from Шäлä | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
