Is learning three languages at the same time not sustainable?

I'm in highschool, and my school has three language classes, English, Filipino, and Chinese. Recently, I found out that Filipino has two completely separate classes (one for writing and one for speaking). This is has stressed me out because my Tagalog speaking skills are not proficient, and my vocabulary is lacking a lot. Additionally, I also have to learn grammar in Chinese now (the last time my school taught us Chinese grammar was over five years ago, and only bothered to teach vocabulary after that). So, I have to improve my vocabulary in both subjects, improve my Tagalog speaking skills (and maybe Chinese), and learn to apply Chinese grammar. I did not know this until recently, and I have already started learning another language, Japanese, during quarantine. I really enjoy learning Japanese, but now with school in the way, I'm not sure if I can handle it. Especially since I actually want to try to get good grades this year. Would any of you drop learning Japanese, or no?

submitted by /u/sushiaquaaa
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