Is it normal to have the spelling of words stuck in your head?

So, I have this one app (Drops) where you have to spell out the words and what not. Well, anyway, today I was working on colors in Polish and one of the words was “czerwony” (red). Later that day, I took a nap, but the spelling of that word kept repeating in my head over and over again, kinda like an ear worm with a song. So, for like 45 min. my brain was just repeating “c-z-e-r-v-o-n-y”. I kept on replacing the ‘w’ with a ‘v’ and didn’t catch my mistake until later in the day.

Anyway, throughout the day I kept on spelling that word over and over again, and I was just wondering if this is normal or if any of you have experienced this before.

TL;DR: my brain is spelling a word of the language I’m learning over and over again, like a song being stuck in your head. Is this normal?

submitted by /u/thotthebot
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