How to level-up my French from B2 to C1


I’ve been studying French in school for about 8 years, which got me to B2. I’ve finished high school 2 years ago now so I haven’t taken a French class since, but I did try to at least maintain my French by f.e. speaking to myself in French every now and then, or watching YouTube videos in French.

I’m a university student now and knowledge of the French language is quite important in the field that I’m interested it. And for that reason, I want to improve my French. Technically B2 is high enough to apply for masters degrees and such, but I’d feel more comfortable if I’d upper my level even more.

My uni does offer language courses but due to several reasons, I cannot attend those classes the coming year. I’ll probably apply for them the year after, but I’d like to already start myself next year.

Do you have any tips to upper your language skills to C1, especially for French? Thank you!

submitted by /u/Belgian_friet
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