❕1st time❕ learning a new language as an adult🤷🏼‍♂️, but I don't wanna be gentle about it!😏 Suggestions and tips how to begin this journey🌍🗼?

I'm currently reading (aka listening) through "fluent forever" before I reread and take notes. I'll probably buy the hard copy to have in hand and write or highlight. With all the vast info, and a few extra bucks (not much just enough I don't wanna waste on a video game or somethin). I don't mind buying dictionaries or books or subscriptions (aka to the fluent forever thing) I'm just wanting to get best deal and effective usage out of learning French in 6-9 months.

Questions I have include: what flashcards help with pronunciation and such? What's the best frequency dictionary to invest in? How did u find it best to start?

submitted by /u/4Tossup6
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