Starting Clozemaster as an intermediate learner

I just downloaded Clozemaster today and I really like the app based off what I’ve used so far, but as an intermediate learner (B1 German) I’m not sure what the best things to focus on are. It seems like for the Fluency Fast Track you have no choice but to start from beginner and make your way up from there, but is it worth it to go through the 100/500/1000 Most Common Word collections even though I already know the words, just to get them marked as mastered and out of the way? Or would that be a waste of time? What have other people done when starting Clozemaster while already having a solid foundation of the language?

Do most people tend to alternate between the Fluency Fast Track and Common Word collections and do them simultaneously, or it it better to stick to one?

(I know there’s no one right way to use any language resource, but I’m mostly just interested in hearing about other people’s experiences).

submitted by /u/cyappu
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from Tere | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
