Internal conflict on learning Japanese.

I've spent the better half of two years debating on whether to learn Japanese or not. I finally started and it's been going pretty well, but then I got hit with a question that halted me.

Why am I doing this?

I mean, I'm a native Spanish and English speaker, Japanese isn't even used often outside of Japan. I like the culture, but I keep being haunted by the question of "are you wasting your time?", "How will this help you?".

To be fair, I generally suffer from depression and low self-esteem, so this thought process applies to almost everything in my life.

I want to have a purpose to learn rather than just a blind desire, but I can't find any. I've had people around me tell me to learn Mandarin because it's more beneficial, but something just keeps attracting me to Japanese. The one that those around me would consider useless.

Sidenote: I also find it difficult when learning to understand respect. My Hispanic culture has basic respect, but nowhere near the level of Japanese. The Japanese language is fused with their culture, having a lot of respect and it varying depending on who you speak to.

submitted by /u/Might-Hydra
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