How to improve listening with gaps in my vocabulary? (Spanish)

Hi guys,

I’m a native English speaker and have been trying to learn Spanish for four months now. When I first started I was only using Duolingo for an hour or so every day, which wasn’t the most effective form of learning.

About two months ago I bought a textbook and started learning grammar from that rather than the app, while using twitter (and YouTube videos) to note down new vocabulary (trying to learn 15-20 new words a day, and revise these to maintain retention), I also use twitter for reading practice, as there’s a handy translate function.

Recently, I have been playing video games with an online friend who is Spanish (he can speak English too), and I have joined voice calls with him a couple of times while playing. The problem is, I find it very hard to understand anything he’s saying when he speaks to me in Spanish.

I know I need to improve my comprehension skills but, a lot of the problem comes down to limited vocabulary. When I watch a video or listen to something, there are so many words I don’t know which makes it rather difficult (e.g. watched 1 minute of a video and picked up approx 15 words I didn’t know).

How can I improve my listening/comprehension skills despite large gaps in my vocabulary?

submitted by /u/Brusk_
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from Salam | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
