How do I keep myself motivated in learning Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese?

Recently I have decided to become multilingual. I want to be able to converse in many languages and surprise myself with the benefits that they will give me. There’s just one problem: I’m always looking for reasons to keep learning the languages I have started with.

I learned Mandarin Chinese from 7th grade until 10th grade because it was one of the only 4 options in our high school to learn and my mother told me so. Come first-year college, I ended up with Portuguese because all the other languages were taken.

Now, anyone can easily say that I can just stop learning Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese and learn the language/s that resonate with me the most, but that will only get me frustrated. I just don’t like having invested so much time on something then abandon it altogether. At the same time, with my goal of becoming multilingual, it’s hard to keep learning Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese without particular reasons—which are the very things that motivate people to keep learning languages. As far as I know, many people are able to master another language because they love the country’s culture, or they need it for their career. I’m moderately OK with China and Brazil.

So I’m curious: what are possible reasons I can tell myself to keep learning Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese? Can the two even be related to an area of study, a place, or an international matter? How do I make my learning cohesive with regard to these two languages? Any advice?

Some context about me: * I am a 20-year-old Filipino * I am currently bilingual—proficient in both English and Filipino * I am taking up AB Literature (in English) in university with a minor in Global Politics * I may be interested with international relations or affairs for my career, though I am open to other things as well, such as global journalism * If I were given the chance to “reset” the other languages I am to learn, it would definitely be Japanese and Spanish (I guess they are the “twin counterparts” of the very languages I ended up with, which is funny)

I will appreciate insightful answers; things like this bother me a lot. Thank you!

submitted by /u/ConfidentlyImmoral
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