What should I do?

I’m torn between Spanish and Italian. My mom speaks Spanish, and my littlest brother wants to learn Spanish, and I want to learn Spanish... but not because I have some connection to it, or even really like it, I just want to be able to speak to other people in another language in real life.

On the other hand, there’s Italian, it’s closer to French, a language which Im fluent in. I love the way it sounds, I can pronounce it a lot easier, I like several aspects of Italian culture, but the only family I could possibly speak it with don’t even know me, as a matter a fact I don’t even know if they’re still alive. And I don’t have the money for online video chats with native speakers on those sites that make you pay to speak with natives.

So it’s either: learn a language I only kinda like, that I find a bit awkward to pronounce, subjectively, but I really want to be able to speak with my mother and later little brother in Spanish.


Learn a language I genuinely enjoy, find incredibly satisfying to pronounce, and find easier, but I have nobody to talk to around here in person (and no, my mom says she can’t understand Italian)

I’m not sure what to do, I really wanna speak with my mom and brother in Spanish, but I don’t feel that I like the language enough to really commit to it, and Italian is really appealing to me and I’m getting distracted by the thought of learning it consistently.

submitted by /u/2ThirdsOfTheCountry
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from Ongi etorri | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/2SU5les
via Learn Online English Speaking
