Looking for Children Shows in different languages

Hello! Sorry if this is kind of a strange post but I wanted to post it here rather than post it 3 separate times changing the words in 3 different subs.

I wanted to know if anyone had any sort of idea where I could watch Crayon Shin Chan in Korean with Korean or English subtitles, or Spongebob in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. I know I can watch Shin-Chan on YouTube, especially in Japanese with Japanese/English Subtitles, and I found some older episodes in Chinese with Chinese subtitles, but I wasn't able to find it in Korean with Korean subtitles, but just in Korean, I could also find Japanese episodes but with Korean subtitles.

Spongebob on the other hand, I can only find short clips in Chinese, but I want to watch full episodes in these 3 languages, and I can't seem to play them on Youku or even find them at all. Having Chinese subtitles doesn't really matter because I can understand most of it anyways without them , but on the Korean and Japanese aspect, I probably will need subtitles.

I am also open to any other kids shows from any country, Like Paw Patrol or anything of the sort (except Peppa pig) In any of these languages, and they'd be really helpful and cool to watch. Thanks for your help guys!

submitted by /u/ChewingSeok
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