Language show-off?

Guys, I'm a brazilian who speaks English and I've been learning French for one year. Since I started learning French I've became more self-aware of myself, a few friends and relatives sent me DMs saying that I'm showing off just because I'm learning a new language, that I'm rubbing at their faces or something like that. The thing is, I almost don't post stories, and when I do is sometimes related to a book that I'm reading in another language or my text books. I know many people in Brazil doesn't have the priviledge of learning a second language, but I know my friends and my cousins are able to learn a language, and when I say I can help them with knowing where to start, where to find resources, they always give excuses, but it's only me posting something related to languages that they say I'm showing off??? Have any of you guys been through this before? People saying that you have a "gift" of learning languages but it's only having purpose and studying, or saying that you're showing off??

submitted by /u/GihAraujo
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from Здравейте | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
