How to avoid mixing up reading between two languages that use the Latin script?

I'm learning Dutch and my native language is English, which both obviously use the Latin alphabet. Dutch makes 0 additions to the alphabet, unlike German, so text written in Dutch looks virtually identical at first glance. So often when I'm reading English text, my brain suddenly flips into Dutch mode and I'm reading vowel clusters like they would be pronounced in Dutch, using the rolled instead of retroflex R, etc. I'm not even an A2 level speaker of Dutch at this point so I don't know why this is happening. I 100% promise this isn't a "werid flex but ok" thing, I'm genuinely wondering how I can separate the two languages cleanly in my head so I don't mess things up like this. It's happened to me in public and while conversing with my parents more than once, so it's just getting embarassing, and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

submitted by /u/eshansingh
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