How do I stay motivated?

I started learning Swedish in December as I am most likely going to be moving towards the end of next year. I used to be very motivated to learn, and would look forward to each lesson. I would spend around an hour to an hour and a half practicing. Flash forward 4 months of doing it everyday and I’m barely doing 10 minutes (if even), and I feel like it’s affecting how much I’m retaining which is making it harder, so then it turns into a cycle because it’s less enjoyable.

So how do I stay motivated? I know part of it’s to do with my mood (been a hard few months for everyone lol), but I want to get back to enjoying what I loved. I use Duolingo if that helps. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I should add that I watch as much Swedish TV as I can find that has English subtitles, but there isn’t a lot. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! I really enjoy this so it’d help a lot.

submitted by /u/plutolympics
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