how can i learn korean?

hi i would like to learn korean however i would love some suggestions on how i can be fluent i know there are many apps that teach korean but no one in my state really offers classes and app wise they all kind of stop at the same point plus apps only teach you the basics and let you memorize a few random sentences i would love to learn more casual stuff for example english is not my first language however i'm at a point where i can talk about anything in english i can even take college classes in english i read english books and play english games i have zero problems understanding english and i'm very fluent and i even understand slangs, jokes, tones etc. that's the level i would like to achieve in korean.

I’ll continue to use the apps to practice vocab and listening but as for learning new things I’m not sure how to proceed. any advice will be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/floridahkilos
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