What is it with differences between translators

So I've been learning russian for a little less than a year now. My native language is german and I'm also comfortable speaking english.

There's two things I've noticed while translating:

  1. Translations have different meanings depending on which language you translate to. The same translator (e.g. yandex translator) will provide a translation with a vastly different meaning depending on which language I have it translate into.
  2. Different translators give different translations (duh I guess but still). I mainly use Yandex Translator, wiktionary and reverso. Here again sometimes translation are missing completely for one site while others have one or they're just not the same.

In general the translations into english are vastly superior to the ones I get when using german. Russian to german translations oftentimes just offer 10 different translations to 'approximate' a meaning while the ones to english offer fewer translations but they're more accurate.

I have also noticed that a lot of the example sentences provided by the sites are exactly the same, no matter what language you translate into. But then the german translation seems to be a translation of the english translation..

How do you guys deal with this? What translators are best?

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Wash
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