Talking to people helps A LOT

I'm here to tell you guys how good is to speak the language you're studying. I started learning korean a long time ago, I learned the alphabet in January 2018 but I didn't learn anything else because I just wanted to know another alphabet for fun. On the last days of 2019 I started to actually learn korean but I had to stop in mid February because of some personal problems, then I moved and had a lot of school work to be done, and then the social distancing began. I decided to go back to my studies a few weeks ago because I really love korean and didn't want to give up. I've learned A LOT in December, January and in the first weeks of February but nothing compares to what I've learned in April.

I downloaded an app called Tandem to see how it was and I wasn't expecting many people to reply to me so I messaged literally EVERY korean speaker that I found (99% of them were native). I found a really cool girl called Chaeeun and she is really friendly so we talked A LOT. She stays awake during the whole night (quarantine, I guess people are not even sleeping anymore) so I could talk to her during the whole day here in my country.

In the last days I started talking to like 6 new people (they're all native) and it's kinda hard to actually talk to them because of the time difference between our countries but I still learned A LOT. What I've learned in the last week after talking to them (and mostly Chaeeun) is like 10 times more than what I've learned in almost 3 months.

When I first messaged Chaeeun I used translator because I was really bad and as soon as we started to talk she was correcting me a lot. Yesterday we talked for hours and she didn't correct me a single time.

It's cool because she's learning English so we made a deal: I ONLY speak Korean and she only speaks English no matter what. This is working for real because just like I'm getting really better it's been a while since the last time she made a mistake as well.

That's it, I'm really happy, so my advice to you guys who want to learn a new language is to learn the alphabet (if it isn't the same alphabet as your native language), the verbs conjugations, some pronouns and just GO FOR IT!

submitted by /u/victgabs
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from Здравейте | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
