If I am watching a show in my TL, could it help to get rid of subtitles for my nativr language.

I've been learning my TL for about a month now and since it's quite different from my native language, I wouldn't understand too much at first of course. My rationale for this is that I would probably be demanding more effort from my subconscious to put together the scene and tone with the words. This isn't my primary form of learning, so I don't want that to be misconstrued, but I do like to feel like watching the shows is as beneficial as possible. Even if it doesn't teach me much vocabulary, I still think it has helped in other areas. I'm mqinly consodering swapping to TL subtitles or none. Give me your impressions please if you have any or if I should wait until I understand more.

submitted by /u/YeetLieutenant
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