Writing prompt: somebody else's story

The majority of responses last week wanted a new prompt this week - so here it is! This one came by anonymous suggestion through the poll form.

Write (in your target language, of course) a scene in which a fictional character reads/watches/hears another work of fiction (ie not their own). What do they think of it? How do they react?

Whether you're just starting out and giving it a go with "Hermione gives Ron Charlotte's Web. Ron does not like it." or you've been learning a while and want to give a three paragraph scene in which Peri Brown sobs ridiculously into Vislor Turlough's shoulder about the ending of The Green Mile, and Turlough is awkward and confused - give it a go writing as much as you can!

I do a creative fiction themed writing prompt post at about this time every week. Join this chat if you'd like to be notified with a link when the weekly post goes up.

Want a say in future prompt posts in this series? Fill out a quick three-question form!


submitted by /u/Aietra
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/3al3V39
via Learn Online English Speaking
