What's your experience with getting your brain stuck in one language?

By which I mean, if you are a person who studies multiple languages, and you're trying to think or speak in a certain one, but your brain refuses to change out of the mode of another.

Like, this happens to me from time to time. My strongest foreign language is Spanish. In most recent memory, I was stopping by a food cart to get some tacos, and I always have a little chit chat in Spanish with the workers. But, I was studying Russian earlier in the day, and automatic Russian kept interfering with the Spanish I was trying to produce, and I'm not even very good in Russian at all.

I generally just find that whatever language I have been studying/consuming the most of gets "stuck" in my brain, and it takes a little effort to wrestle with your brain and flip the language switch. I go through the same thing at my job when I work alongside my Spanish-speaking coworkers--got French fresh in the brain? I walk in to greet my coworker and end up spitting out a half-French, half-Spanish sentence, then have to stop and think for a second before I can put together an entirely Spanish sentence. Then I find that the interference goes away after maybe 30 minutes of being immersed in a Spanish environment.

Yeah, those are my anecdotes. Anyone else care to pontificate on this subject?

submitted by /u/MyNameIsNahDude
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