material recs for Latin American Spanish?


so as we all know the best way to learn a culture is thru a language and vice versa.

I am a native (Chicano/Mexican) Spanish speaker but after looking at the Spanish posts here, I don’t really know much outside of the Spanish I speak. So I would love to learn more about Spanish, particularly Latin America Spanish and culture.

My household and extended family primarily speaks Spanish but I also try to watch novellas (very rarely know) and read comic books in Spanish because I’ve noticed that pop culture mediums showcase just how dynamic a language is.

So I’m hoping if any of you could recommend Latin American comics (webcomics preferred), pop culture websites and novellas! For these mediums, I would love any directed at teens and college students since I’m apart of that age group. Also open to books set in Latin America (doesn’t have to be in Spanish) or just about Latin American culture. Thanks so much ! Just want to learn more about their Spanish and culture !! :D also not particular about the country!!

submitted by /u/uwuhun
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