[Learning English] I have trouble with reading novels and understanding tv shows/movies

Hi! I'm a native Spanish speaker and I'm somewhere in between B2-C1 with English. I understand most of it and don't have much trouble speaking but I'm concerned about reading. I've always been an avid reader and I'd like to start reading books in my target language now. The thing is I'm not used to actively learn, so when I pick an English book (I probably have 4 I started and never finished) and start reading, suddenly I find at least 4-5 words per page I cannot understand and can't figure out either so I look for their meaning but after a while it gets tiring and as I'm not used to actively learn, I get bored and give up. I really enjoy reading in my first language so I don't understand why this is happening to me. Maybe I should mention I read loads of fanfiction (and not the bad-written ones) and I don't have this problem at all. Should I stop checking the dictionary so much? I don't know, any advice?

And one more question: when I watch youtube videos I understand all or at least most of what people are saying, but when I wanna watch a movie, tv show, etc I'm unable to unless I have subtitles on. It's something that bothers me a lot. I don't know if it's because of accents, background noise, soundtracks or whatever. Any advice for that? (The only show I've been able to watch fully without subtitles is The end of the f*cking world btw)

submitted by /u/_readytoloseit
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