I found a song by Googling the lyrics in my L2

This is a feeling of success that's been almost two years in the making. I was rewatching episode 1 of "A Place Further Than the Universe", and there was a song towards the end that I didn't know the name of. It's easy to find the OP and ED of an anime, you just Google "(Show name here) OP/ED", but this song was neither. You hear it minutes before the end, so it's not the ED. I had to listen to the lyrics in Japanese (my L2), punch them into Google, and sift through the results, which are also in Japanese. I found it. My listening comprehension is better than ever, or so I feel.

To those of you that are bound to say something along the lines of "Two years is a little long for this to be impressive", shut it. Let me have my moment. I've come too far to be demotivated.

submitted by /u/Marsman512
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