How can I keep a routine when learning Italian?

So basically my mother is Portuguese ( first generation not like 300 years ago ) American and my father is pure Italian from Milano

but since I was six months old my father had the chance to pick which few countries to move to because of the company he worked for they decided to move to Hong Kong later in life stuff happened and my mother said fuck it and left the house this was when I was about 4-6 can't really remember.

After a while I started seeing my Father again he was nice etc until he sort of had an affair they didn't legally divorce until about a year after the affair my Father and mother were both like

"well we're technically not together anymore so fuck it but since you want it might as well divorce"

After that I sort of lost touch of my Italian side however my whole life my mother said you identify as your fathers nationality so (because I lived in Hong kong an Asian country ) people would always ask me where I'm from and I would say Italy

my whole life I've been told I am an Italian and honestly I feel 50/50 about this I spoke Cantonese and Mandarin growing up and English at home because of my Mother's stupid idea of "oh once you get English right you'll learn the others" which is wrong it does't work like that is just going to make it much harder.

People would always say can I speak Italian and I would have to say no it was embarrassing and was a shame to me I couldn't even do my "R"s right

I sort of had this identity crisis since I acted as a Hong Konger but looked European. It would of been fine if I grew up in a Portuguese Italian household but I didn't it was just English and didn't really have culture if it did I would have been like I'm from an immigrant family and have mix culture in me but I don't I only have Hong Kong culture.

I talked with my mom and it seems family drama is over (relatives and other members not between my father and mother) and we might be able to go to Italy (she said after the pandemic )which I haven't been in 8 years I also decided to take on Italian so finally learn it and overcome the sort of shame I had I want to get back in touch with the Italian me.

I also by chance wanted to reconnect with my Father so I decided to talk with him and told him about me learning Italian and he got excited because he always pushed in a way it on me and hope I will be. He then ordered this book called [The Berlitz Self-Teacher -- Italian: A Unique Home-Study Method Developed by the Famous Berlitz Schools of Language (Berlitz Self-Teachers)] (pls tell me if it's good)

And I decided we will meet up and I used this as a sort of excuse to hang out and reconnect plus it will make him proud.

I'm sure the Book will help me with learning Italian but I don't want to wonder around with my journey to learning Italian I want a straight path and see my goal and run to get it.

My Father is quite old and isn't really a good teacher I'm sure He will be able to help with practicing and pronunciation but when it comes to studying and memorizing I will be on my whole.

I was hoping if anyone can provide ways that's effective for them or polyglot"s

that's not really expensive or even perhaps free thank you.

Grazie e tutti molto grazie.

submitted by /u/Tenno_agent
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