Experience with AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) or similar methods?

Hi all,

When I was learning French in school, the teacher an immersion method called the AIM method. The key feature is basically that every word (in particular the method focuses on the ~300 most common words) has a gesture associated with it, and you always do the gestures when speaking. As well there is a strong focus, especially at the beginning, on spoken language, with things like repetition, theater, stories etc. emphasized.

Anyway, this worked really really well for me. I liked the focus on the 300 most common words, instead of teaching vocab by subject (eg 'school', 'family', 'at the shops' or whatever), which gives you a good basis to describe anything you might want to. Also the gestures really helped memorizing, and the immersion of course meant you quickly got a fair grasp of the basic grammar. I was wondering anyone has experience with AIM or similar methods, for other languages, and these principles for language learning in general. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/IAMAFilmLover
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