Drop Slovak, learn Czech?

I started learning Slovak years ago, on and off. Passed an online A2 course by Comenius University and completed all the B1 lessons on Slovake.eu. However I've done little the past two years due to being busy. I wouldn't consider myself anywhere close to B1 level, as I've barely spent any time in Slovakia.

I am thinking about officially ending my Slovak studies and starting on Czech. It seems like more people speak Czech and there are more resources for learning it. I like the idea of being able to speak to both Czechs and Slovaks. There's nothing in particular motivating me to continue learning Slovak, except the idea of having to start from scratch. Sunk cost fallacy, I know.

Has anybody been in a similar situation, where they've decided to stop learning a language? Have any recommendations?

submitted by /u/tofukiin
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