Tips on ramping up daily exposure/improving fluency in multiple languages at a time (a modest 4)?

I grew up speaking Portuguese (not fluent atm), studied Italian for years in high school and reached a decent level of proficiency, can understand most and speak some Spanish bc osmosis/having a background in Romance languages, and am currently studying french at university (the most new to me). I am at least at the intermediate level for all of them with reading being my strongest skill across the board.

I try to expose myself in various ways (film, television, music, switch the language on my devices from time to time, etc). I am interested in strengthening speaking skills when conversation isn’t as readily available—there are opportunities for me to speak in conversation but I’d like any advice on practicing on my own as well. To my knowledge, immersion is still the best route so I’m looking to mimic that type of exposure as best I can without actually being able to fully immerse.

I’m interested in getting more serious so any tips are much appreciated!


submitted by /u/rkg108
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
