Struggling to decide on a language to learn. Any advice?

So I only know English. But in school I began learning french. And took some Spanish classes. The Spanish didn't stick well, since I wasnt serious about it. But the french stuck. I really truly enjoyed french class.

With that being said. I'm thinking of trying to learn a language. These are the languages I'm currently thinking about. But I need advice on what would be the best one to choose. So... Help?

Spanish or french. I'm concidering these because I already have a little history with them. And because I feel Spanish would possibly be useful living in the US and working around the construction industry. There's a lot of Spanish speakers. French on the other hand. I just loved in school for the short time I took it. And I could see myself enjoying coming back to it.

Ukrainian. It's a piece of my heritage. And I already have some learning material for Ukrainian. But it seems very difficult coming from English. But! I really really like the way it sounds!!!

German. Also a piece of my heritage. Was interested in the past but seems difficult.

Italian. Also a piece of my heritage. I love the way it sounds though. My great grandparents spoke it often when I was visiting.

I hope to one day visit Europe. And Germany, Ukraine, and italy. Are all big places on my list. Especially Ukraine. It just intrigues me the most about my heritage.

So.. any advice from you more advanced language learner's?

submitted by /u/friendlymountainman
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