I've been learning Arabic for 3 years now and feel like I haven't progressed much due to horrible study practices. Anyways, what advice do you have for me?

I started off okay; I learned the Arabic alphabet and took about 9 months of bidirectional translation exercises with Linguaphone to get Arabic nailed down into my brain. After is where I feel I went wrong. I dabbled into Glossika, but all I literally did was import the legacy "Fluency 1" Arabic MSA course into Anki and did my reps every day. I burnt out after months and eventually deleted the deck. Then, I dabbled through some grammar books, did some grammar exercises, but that too was futile. I could explain stuff, but nothing would "click" while actually using the language (which I rarely attempted). Then, where I'm currently at is working on course 4 out of 7 of Memrise's official Arabic course (which I too am working on solely through Anki). I've been doing my reps for about 3 months now. I am not going to stop this until I finish the 7 courses, then I'll move on. I anticipate finishing up within another 2 to 3 months tops, however, this probably is a waste of time. I also am enrolled in an online "Quranic" class that has lectures, vocabulary lists, and grammar videos. Nothing has started yet, but they've made me start memorizing their vocabulary lists, which I also have in Anki. I don't know where to go from here to actually improve. I've wasted way too long and have gotten almost nowhere.

My current goals are to:

  • Understand MSA and be able to output MSA like a highly educated native Arabic speaker.
  • To understand the Quran to the point that I can read it from cover to cover and being able to look up "Tasfeer" when necessary, all in Arabic.

Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Mystik-Palace
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