How to get over fear and start speaking?

So I have been learning Japanese for about a year but I am yet to speak it mainly for two reasons; there aren't that many Japanese people here and whenever the opportunity arises and there is I feel nervous and awkward to start a conversation and I don't really know what to say (i'm naturally shy and like this in English too).

Like at the local sushi shop there are a couple of Japanese employees and I have felt compelled to order in Japanese but I never have as I feel awkward for some reason.

I can make sentences when I have time to think but on the fly? I have no idea if I can. What if I make a mistake like using the wrong particle or mess up the grammar? I know this is stupid thinking as when I hear people who are learning English make mistakes I feel nothing but proud of them and admire them for trying but nevertheless I feel this way about myself.

In a week there is a Japanese festival on in my city and I feel like this is my best chance to finally speak Japanese and I wanna overcome this fear.

Ant tips on how to do it?

submitted by /u/SomeRandomBroski
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
