How do you not lose motivation during learning a language and how do you maintain fluency once you know a few languages?

I have started learning many languages already but I stopped after like 2 weeks because I said "Why the heck am I doing this? I already speak my native language, another language and English." As you can see there is not really a lack of the feeling of accomplishment here, but I learned all those languages when I was still under 20 years old. School was a sort of enforcement there. I also don't consider myself too old for learning a language, I say I could do it, I did my homework on language learning as well as memorization techniques. I was interested in my chosen languages as I already considered visiting some of those countries as an expat and getting to know the culture, so I had plans too. It just never became anything of them.

What do you think?

Also can you give me advice on how to maintain fluency as I was getting rusty in one of my languages (and that is only one, I don't know how would it be for someone who knew 10 languages)?

submitted by /u/Same-Awareness
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
