Exposing a child to another language (Spanish) when both parents speak English

Hi. Hope someone has some suggestions. I have a baby (11 weeks old) and would love for him to grow up with the advantages of being multilingual. Unfortunately, neither my husband nor I are fluent in another language.

My husband is good at languages and studied French through his A levels. He picks things up quickly though.

I grew up in Canada so technically took French from ages 6-14 but don't know much beyond some random vocab. I took two years of Spanish at university so I can read and understand it somewhat, but don't have the confidence to speak it. I struggle to learn languages. I always planned to rely on the French immersion education available in my province when I had children, but we settled in the UK.

So, how do we teach our baby Spanish without being fluent? We are happy to put some work in to learn too! But we are both teachers and have limited free time for sitting down and studying without the baby involved. I've looked for language classes where we are but can't find anything beyond a baby sing along class that's half an hour away. Hardly seems worth the drive for that.

submitted by /u/jlnm88
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