Best way to learn French (and others) just for use in English, without learning pleasantries and how to ask for a restroom

I'm well past my neuroplastic language learning and study abroad years, so don't think it's a worth trying to learn the language for the purposes of conversation at this point in my life. However, there are two aspects of the language I would like to learn: I'd like to be able to correctly pronounce french words and names that I come across in my reading (history books, menus, etc.) and I'd like to know words that help me understand the meaning of borrowed words and terms (there are so many!) and improve my understanding of English vocabulary.

What is the best way to go about this? Are there resources out there that cater to this way of learning?

submitted by /u/brewenic0
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
