Are there any active online communities (in particular subreddits) for any indigenous language of the Americas?

A few years ago I took on a European minority language, and it was very tough until I discovered a community for it here on reddit. The amount of progress I managed to make with its help has made me kind of cheeky, I guess. At least to the extent that an indigenous language is on my bucket list (although not with a definite time limit). Today I was bored and decided to look around. The most spoken languages according to Wikipedia would be: Quechua, Guarani, Aymara, Nahuatl and Maya (languages or families). Of those, only r/nahuatl seems to be somewhat alive (and even then, eh). But reddit is not necessarily the final word on online communities.

Also, hablo español (but that's no help on reddit with this issue).

Note: The somewhat odd phrasing "indigenous language of the Americas" is so as to avoid confusion with just the U.S. which the term "Native American" seems to create.

submitted by /u/MeekHat
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