Transcribing text + Google Docs compare document = the bomb!

I've been transcribing radio programs, mostly RFI Journal en français facile, as part of training listening comprehension in French (you can read more about the transcription technique here). After transcribing each audio clip, I then compare it with the provided transcription from RFI and catch the words I wasn't able to capture and correct any words I got wrong or made a typo on.

I just found out that Google Docs has a feature where you can compare the text of two Google Docs documents. I've outlined the steps so you can follow them:

  1. Create a document with your own transcription
  2. Create another document with the RFI transcription
  3. Within your own transcription document, click on Tools > Compare Documents, and choose the RFI transcription document as the document to compare it too.

Here's the result when I followed those steps, with the black text my own transcription, and the pink correction belongs to the RFI transcription. It is remarkable in matching similar texts within two documents, as well as highlight very clearly the difference i.e. the areas where I need to pay attention to. I hope you can use this feature to help you in improving your listening comprehension.

submitted by /u/seismatica
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from Tere tulemast | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
