The sexiest accent in the world


There are so many different languages all around the world, and with time, all of them undergo many changes for different reasons, and the English language is no different from them. Some of the main influences that have caused changes in the English language are:

• Migration of people to and from different countries.

• Meeting and socializing with people speaking different languages.

• The culture per se.

No two people speak in the same manner. This stands true for individuals residing in the same community as well. Due to these reasons, and many more influences in the society, the English language has embraced new expressions, words, and even pronunciations. This is how we, as humans, learn new words and integrate them into our lives.

Considering the previous information, we would like to discuss about some phonetic differences between two neighbors in the United Kingdom: Ireland and England. In this post we want to compare the 'Received Pronunciation' (better known as the 'Oxford English' and considered the 'correct' English) with the standard Hiberno-English.

According to a 2019’s survey of 5000 men and women made by One Poll, the Irish accent results to be the sexiest accent around the world, beating out Italian and French, what a surprise (or not).

The Hiberno-English, or Irish-English, is the set of English dialects spoken in the island of Ireland. It has a lot of differences between the English accent we are accustomed to learn in school. Let’s explore some of them and take some ‘hot’ notes šŸ˜‰

The 'R' and Rotic Pronunciation


The letter 'T'

The letter 'S’

The letter 'G'

The vowels

But make no mistake! The way you talk also influences whether you will be heard as someone sexy or not.

“The human voice is like a second signature that reveals not only your intentions but also your background, education, and intangible idiosyncrasies of character that can attract or repel a potential mate in moments.”

This was written by an anthropologist in her book "Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray."

She also explains that we tend to consider that accent "sexy", because it is something we are not used to. So, who knows, maybe Irish girls don't like their boyfriends' accents so much.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you consider those accents to be sexy? Which other accents do you consider unique?

submitted by /u/Sam9Ves3
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from Tere tulemast | Languagelearning
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