Next Steps in my German Lessons

TL;DR: Made some progress in learning German and I am looking for new methods/tools to get to fluency.

Howdy! So about a one and a half years ago, I got serious about becoming fluent in German. I began doing Duolingo lessons daily, I got super lucky in finding books, movies and TV shows in German that I enjoyed consuming as I translated, I began participating in Germanophonic subreddits and I even found a charming German Penpal who has kindly tolerated my repeated butchering of their mother tongue. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and I just finished all the Duolingo lessons at the highest difficulty setting and am not trying their story mode, I've gone from basic phrases to being able to have longer and more flexible conversations, rather than just pleasantries. While I haven't gotten myself officially tested, I would guess my knowledge is somewhere around B1 approaching B2.

So, I'm now wondering what's next? I found that I actually began to make progress in German when I practiced daily and learned through participation and interacting rather than passive absorption, so Duolingo was perfect for practicing. My end goal is to reach full fluency in German. Are their more advanced tools Duolingo offers after completing 'learn' and 'story'? Does anyone know any apps, study materials or methods to get to fluency?

Thank you so much for the help!

submitted by /u/TeutonicToltec
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