Need help deciding between Spanish or French!

I have been studying Japanese for about a year now and I love the language! I began studying it because I have always been interested in Japan’s culture and many Japanese people are found in my field of study, which is biochemistry. I have improved greatly in both reading and verbal areas and I plan to continue learning Japanese! However, I also have the desire to learn a third language, either Spanish or French.

I am having issues deciding which one to learn. I live in the United States, so Spanish is a widely spoken language in the country, mostly by native speakers who are monolingual. But on the other hand, France is more prominent in science and engineering fields than Latin America or Spain and there are many research documents and websites that are only available in French.

In terms of culture, I am not particularly more interested in one over the other. I find both cultures fascinating in their own right. Can anyone offer me some tips or stories from their own experience to help in this decision?

submitted by /u/Sesstic
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