Can I get some feedback on my study routine?

For quite some time now my studying has consisted solely of srs flash cards and studying through apps but I am noticing some holes in my comprehension that would have been filled had I stuck to proper textbooks. This year my goal is to become fluent in my target language and so I am going to dig out my textbooks and incorporate them intoy studying. It has been a long time since I have studied with a textbook and I was hoping to get some feedback in order to improve my study plans.

I have some intermediate level textbooks which I will review to get started, I feel this is important because I know I don't fully understand some of the content in those books due to a burbout period I went through at one point. Then I have a book I never started which is supposed to bridge the gap between intermediate and advanced. Then finally I can search for some advanced textbooks.

I have an hour for lunch each day and eat pretty fast. My plan is to study from my textbooks for an hour during lunch. I am ditching the SRS flash cards in favor of physical flash cards because I can make them faster than the digital cards and I will be pressed for time. During my train ride home from work (1 hour) I will review exercises from the textbook and then watch TV shows in my target language if I have time. In the morning on the train (1 hour) I will start by reviewing the flash cards and then either read news in my target language or watch TV shows. At home I will focus on reading books in my target language. Whenever I can I will talk to my partner and my coworkers in my target language.

In my opinion this is a pretty solid plan but what suggestions or feedback do you have in order to improve this? I want my study sessions to be as effective as possible. I know speaking is important but I don't always have the opportunity to be social which is why I have to simply do it when I have the chance, I get home late and at work I tend to work alone due to the nature of my job. When I do work with coworkers it's usually the ones who speak my native tongue.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

submitted by /u/LewdKomiSan
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from Salvete | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
