Best Utilization for My Commute - Learning Italian

Hey everyone. So I have an hour commute to and from work each day. I'm planning on visiting Italy this September and would like to use my commute to learn Italian as efficiently as possible.

I've been using Pimsleur so far. I listen to the lesson from the prior day and the lesson for the current day on my drive to work, and I've been listening to Language Transfer on my way home, but I am almost done with that and feel like re-listening won't help much.

What other audio programs might be useful? I've heard mixed reviews about the Innovative Language podcasts (ItalianPod101). I've heard of Michel Thomas and Assimil, but I haven't heard of people doing those at the same time as Pimsleur. Is it worth trying to listen to an audiobook or Italian language podcast? (I wouldn't be able to comprehend much at all yet).

Note: I am also using the Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Italian books at home, so my learning is not purely audio.

submitted by /u/NLD123
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from Tere tulemast | Languagelearning
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